Thursday, August 23, 2012

Looking back.

Now that it's been over a year since I've been in Japan I think it's time I reflect on my experiences there. While I can say I've missed Japan, I feel like I can leave it be for a long time before I return. The length I spent there was too long for one thing; I would have been happy with 6 months. It was more of a psychological issue... thinking that I would be there for so long without my girlfriend and family really ate me up inside. I don't mean to be depressing! It's just what I felt... even though I met so many cool people and had so many unbelievable experiences, between the dinners and karaoke and trips. After I left Japan, I went to Italy to study Italian and teach English, living with my girlfriend. I met a lot of Japanese people at the school too, but I felt that I was a little "tired." I'm not like a lot of teachers who go to Japan. I was geared up about the international experience, travel and adventure. Other than some anime knowledge, I knew next to nothing about Japan before I arrived. It was a decision based on living expenses and income, not culture. I do think I made the right decision though, and I'll never forget how gracious, honorable, and respectful the Japanese people are. I hope to return sometime in the future!