Monday, October 25, 2010

The year is flying by so quickly

If I remember correctly, it was the last week I was in my old apt. that I wrote last. Well, a lot has happened since then. I have moved into a new apt. with a roommate from my original training group, and have been there thriving. I have also gone many places within Japan and have even gone to Italy and back to the USA. I think those particular trips really helped me to heal somewhat. For the first few months I had been awfully homesick. It was good to be back where everything was English and people were so casual.

I know I had promised myself to update this often when I originally started the blog, but I have been updating Facebook a lot too. Whenever I want to talk about something interesting and share tidbits and such, this will be the first place I'll go to. Until then, take care and thanks to everyone for reading!

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